Saturday, March 14, 2009

First DWC ride of the season

We had some snow last night..Spring is always such a fickle season...some days it's still winter and others seem like summer is not that far off...It was cold but sunny and fortunately, the snow melted at least on the roads so we had our 1st DWC ride .

The famous "Tuesday Night Worlds" enjoyed much notoriety locally and in the bike world. Durango has grown quite a bit ... so has the number of drivers and members of The Durango Wheel Club. Anyway...we decided to have these rides on Saturdays for less impact on our roads
and motorists. I think it will be a lot safer than at 5:30 Tuesday night..but I will miss them. It wasn't the most popular topic when it was motioned to change the ride day/time but I think most riders at least understand why. I'm sure Tuesday will still see some group rides but not the numbers we had before. Todd Wells and Ned Overend showed up, which always makes for a great sufferfest. It was weird to see Todd wearing Red and pedaling an S Works. Since I have known him he has been a GT racer...although he started with Specialized originally. I know he will have some great results this season.

My ride was fair at best..I can always tell when my legs need rest when I walk up the stairs at home...

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